Thursday 11 February 2021

Machine Learning: Soft Skill: Personality Detection using text information

1.   Executive Summary

There is a “The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)” Personality Test system available which describes the person’s preferences or behavior and its key personality traits. It is one of the most popular personality tests in the world used in businesses, online, for research, and lots more. It helps in predicting one’s strengths and weaknesses in terms of personality. However, its use/validity has come into question because of unreliability in many experiments. But It is still clung to as being a very useful tool in a lot of areas.

2.   Problem Statement

The ‘Personality Test Model’ based on MBTI assessment from social media comment data would predict the relevance of the famous MBTI system. The purpose is to see if any patterns can be detected in specific types and their style of writing, which overall explores the validity of the test in analyzing, predicting, or categorizing behavior and later on testing the models to predict the trait by feeding a few of the writings.

3.   Analytics Rationale Statement

Personality plays a key role in predicting many factors of an individual such as mental and physical health, career fit, and well being. Hence, getting a deep insight into a person’s personality types is of key importance. I have taken into consideration is that when we are creating teams to fight crime, develop amazing software, or simply play sports. It's important to consider everyone's technical position on the team, but it's also deeply important to explore soft skills to ensure strengths and weaknesses are balanced. This allows another layer of interdisciplinary not only in technical skillset but also in mindset and personality.

Myers Briggs Classification Problem

 The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (or MBTI for short) is a personality type system that divides everyone into 16 distinct personality types across 4 axes:

Introversion (I) – Extroversion (E)                  The Attitudes of Consciousness

Intuition (N) – Sensing (S) 

Thinking (T) – Feeling (F)                                    The Functions of Consciousness

Judging (J) – Perceiving (P)

(Note that the opposite personalities are aligned above to give one a sense of difference in the meanings of the personalities while comparing them with each other.)


Tend to be inward turning, or focused more on internal thoughts, feelings, and moods rather than seeking out external stimulation.


It is a personality trait typically characterized by outgoingness, high energy, and/or talkativeness.


It refers to a deeper perception of inherent possibilities and inner meanings. It never directly reflects reality but actively, creatively, insightfully, and imaginatively adds meaning by reading things into the situation


It refers to our immediate experience of the objective world that is available to the senses.


It is based upon the intellectual comprehension of things through analysis and logical inference.


It involves judging the value of things or having an opinion about them based on our likes and dislikes.


It reflects a closed, organized, decisive approach


It is more open, flexible, and curious.

INTP                        ( I - introversion, N - intuition, T - thinking, and P - perceiving ) nature

There are lots of personality-based components that would model or describe this person’s preferences or behavior based on the label.  

Data Acquisition

We use an MBTI dataset from Kaggle containing posts written by users on the PersonalityCafe online forum labeled by their personality type. The dataset is composed of 8675 unique users each with their 4 letter MBTI code along with 50 post utterances. The distribution of the data by type is displayed on the right. “(MBTI) Myers-Briggs Personality Type Dataset”,  contains

·       Type (This person 4 letter MBTI code/Type)

·       A section of each of the last 50 things they have posted (Each entry separated by “|||” (3 pipe characters))

Feature Engineering

Feature engineering is the process of using your knowledge about the data and about the machine-learning algorithms at hand to make the algorithm work better by applying hardcoded transformations to the data before it goes to the machine learning model.

 Text Preprocessing

·       Remove all irrelevant characters such as any nonalphanumeric characters

·       Tokenize your text by separating it into individual words

·       Remove words that are not relevant, such as “@” Twitter mentions or URLs

·       Convert all characters to lowercase, to treat words such as “hello”, “Hello”, and “HELLO” the same

·       Consider combining misspelled or alternately spelled words to a single representation (e.g. “cool”/”kewl”/”cooool”)

·       Consider lemmatization (reduce words such as “am”, “are”, and “is” to a common form such as “be”)

·       After following these steps and checking for additional errors, we can start using the clean, labeled data to train models!


Machine learning with natural language is faced with one major hurdle – its algorithms usually deal with numbers, and natural language is, well, text. So we need to transform that text into numbers, otherwise known as text vectorization.


One-hot encoding (Bag of Words)

To build a vocabulary of all the unique words in our dataset, and associate a unique index to each word in the vocabulary. Each sentence is then represented as a list that is as long as the number of distinct words in our vocabulary. At each index in this list, we mark how many times the given word appears in our sentence. This is called a Bag of Words model since it is a representation that completely ignores the order of words in our sentence. This is illustrated below.



Representing sentences as a Bag of Words. Sentences on the left, representation on the right. Each index in the vectors represents one particular word.


TF/IDF (term frequency-inverse document frequency)

TF-IDF is a statistical measure that evaluates how relevant a word is to a document in a collection of documents. This is done by multiplying two metrics: how many times a word appears in a document, and the inverse document frequency of the word across a set of documents. Multiplying these two numbers results in the TF-IDF score of a word in a document. The higher the score, the more relevant that word is in that particular document


Text vectorization transforms text within documents into numbers, so TF-IDF algorithms can rank articles in order of relevance.

Model creation

Import Libraries


Worked on  multiple ML algorithms to reach the good output.

Sunday 16 September 2018

Vampirism: Spiritual Energy

“Everything is Light” The Incredible interview with Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla is undoubtedly one of the most important inventors that have existed on our planet. Curiously, although he is one of the most important and scientific inventors in the history of civilization, he is also the most absent in history books

Nikola Tesla gave interview to the magazine “Immortality” in his laboratory in Colorado Springs in the year 1899. During his interview he was saying to the journalist that

"Knowledge of how to transform mental and vital energy into what we want, and achieve control of all feelings. This knowledge can be learned, for what is needed many years, or can also be acquired by birth. Most of them I have acquired by birth. They are in the closest relationship with sexual energy, which is one of the most widespread in the universe. I have always known and for this reason, I have been alert. From myself, I have created what I wanted: a reflective and spiritual machine"
He told to the journalist that he had not married.There are two points of view: either one has much affection or nothing at all. The middle point serves to rejuvenate the human race. Woman for certain men nourish and strengthen their vitality and spirit. Being alone does the same to other people. He chose that second path.

Actually Tesla was not saying that woman is the only thief but he emphasized that there are number of thieves having myriad of ways with which one can steal once energy. Some people can see or feel the electrical energy field around each person.  Everyone has an energy field around their body because we are electrical and frequency beings. This topic is illustrated in a book called Hands of Light and other books by Barbara Brennan and Joseph A. Smith.

Historical point of view

Our life and health depends upon having enough of a subtle life energy or adaptive energy flowing throughout the body and brain. This energy has been given many names such as vital force, life force, chi, qi and others.  Each person is born with a certain amount of it.  As we age, it slowly diminishes, eventually causing death of the body, unless something can be done to reverse the process. Each person is supposed to live off his or her own life energy, happily and independently.  However, many people are not in touch with this energy, or have been violated or traumatized in certain ways that make it difficult for them to contact their own life force or energy.
Note that most people give away some of their energy to others. This is fine if you are in control of the situation like Saints or Sat-gurus blessed their followers of-course the true one or parents transferred it to their children or sometimes teachers imparts to their pupil. 

There is a famous story of the Eklavya, son of a poor hunter. He wanted to learn archery from Dhronacharya who was a great teacher in Mahabharata epic. But a great archer Dronacharya refused to teach him.
Eklavya in his heart had already accepted Dronacharya as his Guru. He went home and made a statue of his Guru. Over the following years, with sincerity and practice, he learnt archery and became better than the state princes at the art. He became so good at it that, he would hear the sound of the animal, shoot an arrow at it and claim the animal.
Dhronacharya never taught him but somehow with his concentration he sucked the art of archery from him. 
It is vampirism if you are not in control, and others essentially manipulate your energy field in certain ways to extract energy in a stealth manner. The book and movie, The Celestine Prophesy, by James Redfield, discusses it.  Another author who discusses it is M. Scott Peck in the books, The Road Less Traveled (1988, 2003) and People Of The Lie: The Hope For Healing Human Evil (1998) and perhaps other works. Energetic vampirism is the process whereby one person, through manipulation, essentially steals some life energy from another. 


The main way to extract energy from another person is to upset the person. Two ways to do this are by:
1) Intimidation, threats or actual violence of some kind
2) Seduction, pleasuring, flattery or spoiling another.

These may be called the yang and the yin methods. In both cases, a person is thrown out of balance, and this is what causes the person to give up some life energy. Many energy vampires combine the two in interesting ways.
Speaking more technically, what occurs is that the vampire interrupts the normal flow of subtle energy down the body from the head to the feet. When subtle energy flows sideways or upwards to some degree, the energy centers spin backwards or in other ways abnormally. As a result, some of the person’s subtle energy flows outward or upward to the vampire. In other words, one person can steal energy from another by literally upsetting the other’s energy field. This is related to the meaning of words and phrases such as uptight, mixed up, knocked up, stuck up, messed up, and other similar phrases.
An experienced vampire can shift from one behavior to another in seconds, to see which method of upsetting others works best in a particular situation. He or she may shout, cry, become sweet, touch you sensually, then argue or pull away - all depending on what is needed at the moment to extract energy from vulnerable and often gullible people, which is most people. Here are more details about very common methods of vampirizing others:
Sex: Women often better vampires than men. Women who are not well enough developed spiritually vampirize others more than men. For instance, in a study of sex differences in reactions to pleasant and unpleasant slides (Gomez, Gunten, & Danuser, 2013), researchers found women reacted more negatively to unpleasant slides (e.g., mutilated bodies, physical violence, and suffering or dead animals), a sex difference that persisted in size from ages 20 to 81.But that does not mean a man don't use this vampirism of sucking energy. 
Words: Words can easily be used to upset people, and moreso when combined with other methods discussed below. Words can frighten, threaten, shock, flatter, seduce, and upset others in other ways. Manipulative words and phrases are used by teachers, doctors, politicians, salesmen and saleswomen, and many others. Most are lies or half truths, although even the truth can be used to shock or upset people.
Non-verbal behaviors: A stare, a sexy walk, playing with one’s hair, and many other behaviors are used by authority figures, lovers and others to upset others.  Even just smiling at people too much or inappropriately is upsetting to others and can cause them to give up some energy to you.
Dress:The dress may be a uniform, like a military uniform worn by some dictators.  It can be scanty clothes worn by teenage girls to upset the boys, or other ways to make one “stunning” or just upsetting to others.Color, texture, see-through, hemlines, bra straps, and many more ways are used by those who want to extract energy from others through their dress.
Many more methods and behaviors are used to upset others in society from the car one drives, to how one fixes the hair or the makeup on one’s face.  The list is quite endless, in fact, and looking around a crowd can make one smile a little when one realizes that an important reason people look, speak and act the way they do is to “impress” others and perhaps steal a little energy from them.
In all of these cases, one person gains energy and the other gives up some energy, which is why it is a vampire-like exchange of energy.  Please beware of this problem.  However, if it remains a mystery, hidden or secret, it can often lead to depression, illness, fighting about sex, affairs, divorce and even death of the  partner who is being used in a vampire-like way.


Vampirism is unfortunately rampant in all human societies.  It is wise to become aware of vampirism, but not to fear it.  Avoid it whenever you can, and please teach others about it, as well.

Sunday 4 August 2013

Should India upheld the ban on voting of criminals or not ??

Article 326 of the Indian Constitution mandates adult suffrage, which means that every person who is a citizen of India and who is not less than 18 years of age can vote. However, India is one of the few countries in the world which does not allow prisoners or under-trials to vote. Section 62(5) of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 (ROPA) prohibits all those who are confined in a prison or are in lawful custody of the police from voting.
Now the Question may arise that...
Should India upheld the ban on voting of criminals or not ??

Saturday 16 March 2013

Thursday 7 March 2013


Actually our social science department gonna start Think Tank on this blog ( where many Guru Nanak Dev University professors , elite students are gonna take part..and best views would be welcomed and awarded some surprise gifts... 
We would love to have your views which might help fellow friends , students to prepare for interviews in civil services... 
This step will enhance our thinking power to rule..


Don't be FRUGAL
Two seeds lay side by side in the fertile soil.
 The first seed said, "I want to grow! I want to send my roots deep into the soil beneath me, and thrust my sprouts through the earth's crust above me ... I want to unfurl my tender buds like banners to announce the arrival of spring ... I want to feel the warmth of the sun on my face and the blessing of the morning dew on my petals!"
And so she grew...
The second seed said, "Hmm mm. If I send my roots into the ground below, I don't know what I will encounter in the dark. If I push my way through the hard soil above me I may damage my delicate sprouts ... what if I let my buds open and a snail tries to eat them? And if I were to open my blossoms, a small child may pull me from the ground. No, it is much better for me to wait until it is safe."
And so she waited...A yard hen scratching around in the early spring ground for food found the waiting seed and promptly ate it.
So Don't be FRUGAL and extend your power..